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Tabbed Window: Reference 600 Experiments

Tabbed Window: Reference 600 Experiments

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Tabbed Window: Reference 600 Experiments

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Ribbon Bar: Menu Commands


<%EXTOGGLE%>Command Group: Active Experiment


Command: Edit
Edit the parameters associated with the active experiment.

Command: Run          
Runs a IMP-experiment for the specified experimental parameters.

Command: Measure IR-Drop & Run
Determines the uncompensated ohmic resistance, Ru (Ohm), and runs a IMP-experiment setting the IR-compensation to the highest possible value Ru (Ohm). Note that IR-compensation by positive feedback is done in an impedance experiment only for the DC-part of the applied signal. The AC-part is always measured without IR-compensation and mathematically corrected by subtracting the  Ru/Cd-values representing the effect of the background electrolyte.

Command: Run Accumulations
This command remains disabled.

Command: IR-Drop  
Performs an AC experiment from which the uncompensated ohmic resistance, Ru (Ohm), and the double layer capacity, Cdl (F), of the electrode is determined.

Command: Background Correction        
Background correction is done mathematically using either the Ru/Cd-values entered in the appearing dialog box or the experimentally measured ones. The dialog box enables the user to decide whether the background correction is to be applied to the active experiment only or to all experimental curves shown in this window.

Command: Circles
The active current curve is plotted in the form of open circles.

Command: Filled Circles
The active current curve is plotted in the form of filled circles.

<%EXTOGGLE%>Command Group: Data Exchange


RAM_Disk Command: RAM-Disk   RAM_Disk
Opens a dialog box showing the actual content of the RAM-Disk. The RAM-Disk stores data in use-file format. It can be used for exporting simulations to the Tabbed Window: Experiments where they can used as target curves in a Data Fitting Project. In this way experimental curves can be mimicked by simulated ones, for instance, in order to investigate how  systematic errors such as noise are passed to individual parameter values when using these files in a fitting project.    

RAM-Disk Command: Export       ExportExperimentRAM
Exports the active experiment in use-format and stores the use-file in the RAM-Disk.

RAM-Disk Command: Export all Experiments to RAM-Disk
Exports all experiments shown in the Experiments-window in use-format and stores the use-files in the RAM-Disk.

File Command: Export
Exports the active experiment as use- or txt- file analogously to exporting a simulation.

File Command: Export all Experiments
Exports all experiments as use- or txt-files analogously to exporting all simulations.


<%EXTOGGLE%>Command Group: Display


Command: Next
The next current curve is activated.

Command: Previous
The previous current curve is activated.

Command: Delete Active Experiment
Deletes the active experiment.

Command: Delete All Experiments
Deletes all experiments shown in the Tabbed Window: Experiments.


Command: Zoom
Zooms the screen display by pressing down the left mouse button and draw a rectangle around the region which is to be zoomed. The zoom command can be repeatedly applied.

Command: Unzoom
Undo the zoom command.

Command: Refresh Screen
Removes Min/Max-Info and redraws the screen display.

Option: Plot ZI vs. ZR
Plots the imaginary part of the impedance, ZI, versus the real part of the impedance, ZR.

Option: Plot Z vs. 1/sqrt(ω)
Plots both the real and imaginary part of the impedance, Z, as function of ω-1/2, where ω is the frequency, f, multiplied by 2π.

Option: Plot cot(ϕ) vs. sqrt(ω)
Plots the phase angle, φ, as function of the ω1/2, where ω is the frequency, f, multiplied by 2π.


<%EXTOGGLE%>Summary: Play Movie

The usage and functionality of the Ribbon Bar Commands is similar as shown in the video clip referring to a CV-Experiment Document.