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IMP-Experiment Document

IMP-Experiment Document

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IMP-Experiment Document

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The functionality and usage of the following tabbed windows

Tabbed Window: Simulations

Tabbed Window: C-Profiles

Tabbed Window: Surface Concentrations

Tabbed Window: Data Fitting

Tabbed Window: Compare Curves

Tabbed Window: Comments

associated with the IMP-Experiment Document is identical to that described for the IMP-Simulation Document. Only the Tabbed Window: Experiments is replaced by the Tabbed Window: Reference 600 Experiments.  The first one enables the user to import experimental IMP-curves in ASCII-file format (for using the imported curves in a Data Fitting Project). The second one is designed for conducting IMP-experiments directly from within DigiElch on condition that

1.a Reference 600 potentiostat (GAMRY Instruments, Warminster, USA) is connected to the computer running DigiElch

2.the Reference 600 modules are activated in your DigiElch license.

tipbulbThe IMP-experiments measured in the Tabbed Window: Reference 600 Experiments can be directly used in a data fitting project. There is, however, one important difference: The parameters associated with the experiments imported into the Tabbed Window: Experiments can be freely modified (without destroying the current curve) by means of the Edit/Modify command. This enables the user to add, for instance, species concentrations or experimental parameters such as electrode size and geometry required for using these experiments in a Data Fitting Project (but not stored in the experimental data file). This feature is not available on the Tabbed Window: Reference 600 Experiments. Any parameter modification in hindsight deletes the current curve of the experiment. The only modification that can be done in hindsight by means of the Edit command without destroying the measured current curve  is the input or modification of species names and/or analytical concentrations. If you realize, for instance, that a wrong electrode size has been entered in a series of experiments you need to move these curves to the Tabbed Window: Experiments of a IMP-Simulation Document for correcting the typo and for creating a fitting project in the associated Tabbed Window: Data Fitting. The experiments can be moved by exporting them to the RAM-Disk and re-importing them from there into the Tabbed Window: Experiments.