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Tabbed Window: Compare Curves

Tabbed Window: Compare Curves

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Tabbed Window: Compare Curves

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The client area associated with this tabbed window shows a comparison between simulated and experimental curves for all couples either selected by the Ribbon Bar Command: Select Couple in the Tabbed Window: Data Fitting or selected by the Ribbon Bar Command: Compare in the Tabbed Window: Simulations. The meaning and operation of the Ribbon Bar Commands in the Tabbed Window: Compare Curves is analogously as described for the Tabbed Window: Simulations.


tipbulbThe Ribbon Bar Command: Edit works analogously as described for the Tabbed Window: Simulations if the active curve refers to an object of the type "Simulation". It works analogously as described for the Ribbon Bar Command: Edit/Modify in the Tabbed Window: Experiments if the active curve refers to an object of the type "Experiment". In the latter case, any modification of the experimental parameters shown in the appearing dialog box will ignored because the dialog box  can be closed only with Cancel. Note, however, that such a distinction between "Simulations" and "Experiments" may not work if the Data Fitting project was loaded from a previous version of DigiElch.