This command opens a Windows File dialog box. The current curve(s) involved in the selected ASCII-file(s) will be merged to the existing ones when setting the Option: Import Data in the Property-Window correspondingly. Otherwise, all simulation objects will be removed from the active document before importing the selected file(s).


<%EXTOGGLE%>Import DigiElch use-File

Full use-format

the full use-format contains the current curve and a full description of the experimental parameters. The latter must be written to the file in exactly the same form as on the Property Page: Simulation Parameters:


experimental parameters:

key_word_1: Value_1

key_word_2: Value_2


species parameters:

[name of species_1] (M/l): Canal_1

[name of species_2] (M/l): Canal_2



experimental IMP-data:
number of ZI (Ohm), ZR (Ohm) couples: N

ZR_1 , ZI_1

ZR_2 , ZI_2




Signal Header

f_1 , Phi_1 , A_1
f_2 , Phi_2 , A_2


f_15 , Phi_15 , A_15

source program: DigiElch for Windows
program version: 3.0
file type: IMP

key_word_i and Value_i
key word and value referring to the i-th parameter. The value must be in point-format and separated from the key word by a colon. The key words are the same as the parameter names used on the Property Page: Simulation Parameters. For example,
Pre-Equilibrium: smart
Diffusion: Semi-Infinite 1D
Geometry: Planar
Area (cm²): 1
Ru (Ohm): 0
Cdl (F): 0
Temp. (K): 298.2
dEac (V): 0.015
AC-Packets: 2
fmin (Hz): 100
fmax (Hz): 5050
log2(Data Points): 11
Applied Frequencies: 15
Estart (V):0.3
Edc (V):0
DC-Time (s):5

name of species_i and Canal_i
the name of the i-th species in brackets and the analytical concentration in point-format. For example
[NiL] (M/l): 0.001
[NiL-] (M/l): 0
[DP] (M/l): 0.1
[NiLDP] (M/l): 0
[NiLDP-] (M/l): 0

the number of Applied Frequencies.

ZR_i and ZI_i
numbers (separated by comma) representing the real imaginary part of the impedance simulated for the i -th frequency component

Signal Header
an abbreviation for the following line: signal components (f/fo, phase angle, rel. amplitude):
This line is followed by a description of the applied AC-Signal (which should always be defined for 15 frequency components even if the data refer to a smaller number of actually Applied Frequencies):

(relative) value of the i-th frequency component

absolute value of the phase angle of the i-th frequency component

relative value of the amplitude of the i-th frequency component
All relative values refer to the corresponding value of the basic frequency. It is the frequency which would be obtained if the signal formed by the 2n data points (where n is the number defined in log2(Data Points)) covers exactly a single sinus cycle.


Minimum use-format

Data measured with third-party electrochemical instruments are usually exported in file formats which differ from instrument to instrument. The minimum use-format enables the user to produce an importable use-file with a minimum of effort.

The minimum use-format is as follows:



experimental IMP-data:
number of ZI (Ohm), ZR (Ohm) couples: N

ZR_1 , ZI_1

ZR_2 , ZI_2





ZR_i and ZI_i
numbers (separated by comma) representing the real imaginary part of the impedance simulated for the i -th frequency component

tipbulbFiles in minimum use-format do not contain any information about experimental parameters such as scan rate, electrode surface, electrode geometry or species concentrations. It is therefore not possible for the fitting procedure to recognize to which parameter combination a particular experimental curve refers. Consequently, such files are useful only for viewing experimental current curves. Apply the Edit/Modify command  to add the experimental parameters to each file.